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Контрольная работа 3 Вариант 1 Английский язык (26 заданий) – Ответы

ДисциплинаИностранные языки
Тип работыКонтрольные
Количество страниц14
Год сдачи2020
Номер работы5771

О работе

Работа успешно сдана, аккуратное оформление, качественное выполнение


(Job/Environmental Problems)

Задание 1. Прочтите текст и переведите письменно отрывок, выделенный курсивом.
Businesses in Britain are often owned by people, not by the government. This is called free enterprise. Most Britons respect the idea of competition in business and many of them believe that the free-enterprise system encourages equal opportunities.
The British government provides welfare through subsidies, grants and services for the population. This is called social wage; it amounts to 1316 pounds per year for each adult of the working population. Some years ago Governmental arrangements were made in order to shorten unemployment. A nationwide organization helping people to find jobs was set up. It is the Manpower Services Commission. The Commission runs two agencies: the Employment Services Agency and the Training Services Agency. The first offers a suitable job to an unemployed person, the second trains him/her in new skills if necessary.
Robert Smith is 46 years old. He and his wife have to work in order to afford the house and a college education for their two children. Robert has worked at a factory for 30 years. One day he had been replaced by technology. What can he do to find a new job?
He can go to a job center, an employment office or to a private agency. Robert can also read advertisements in special journals and find information in any possible way.
At the Local Job Center Robert is registered as an unemployed and then he is given an unemployment benefit which is sent to him by mail every week. If his benefit is not enough to live on, Robert can get some extra help from the Social Security Office. One day the Job Center informs Robert about a possible vacancy. First he has to go for an interview with his prospective employer. If terms are acceptable for the both the labour contract is signed.
Working people are protected by Britain Trade Unions that concern for work conditions and correct wages. Employers have the Chamber of Commerce that protects their business interests.
There are about 9 million full-time industrial workers in the United Kingdom, but their amount declines steadily. More and more Britons decide to work for themselves as businessmen, independent craftsmen and farmers.

Задание 2. Выпишите из текста эквиваленты выражений.
1. свободное предпринимательство
2. прожиточный минимум,
3. подходящая работа
4. пособие по безработице,
5. дополнительная помощь
6. вероятный работодатель
7. британские профсоюзы
8. условия труда
9. торговая палата
10. независимые ремесленники

Задание 3. Если утверждение соответствует содержанию текста, поставьте знак +, если не соответствует, поставьте знак –
1. Since World War II British Government has not arranged to support unemployed people.
2. There are a lot of ways of getting information about prospective jobs.
3. An unemployment benefit is sent to a person once a month.
4. A labour contract is to be signed only by an employee.
5. An unemployment benefit is sent to an unemployed once a month.
6. Before getting a job a person has to go for an interview with his prospective employer.
7. The Manpower Services Commission was set up to support peoples’ right to work.
8. An unemployed person can get extra money from the Employment Services Agency.

Задание 4. Переведите письменно названия профессий и занятий; используйте их для ответов на вопросы задания 6.
1. Engineer. 2. Farmer. 3. Manager. 4. Teacher. 5. Journalist. 6. Architect. 7. Bank clerk. 8. Driver. 9. Police officer. 10. Enginee. 11. Accountant. 12. Salesman/woman. 13.Postman. 14.Builder. 15.Businessman. 16.Unemployed. 17.Doctor. 18.Nurse.

Задание 5. Переведите письменно названия предприятий и организаций, используйте их для ответов на вопросы задания 6.
1. Factor. 2. Plant. 3. Works. 4. Mill. 5. Enterprise. 6. Educational institution. 7. Private enterprise. 8. Department store. 9. Design bureau. 10. Bank. 11. Police office. 12. Tour agency. 13. Shop. 14. Farm. 15. Construction works. 16. Newspaper. 17. Hospital. 18. Post office.

Задание 6. Ответьте письменно на вопросы о работе.
What are you? What is your friend? What does he work for? What is your job? What does your mother/father do for a living?

Задание 7. Этими прилагательными можно охарактеризовать работу. Прочтите и переведите письменно.
1. Boring. 2. Interesting. 3. Dangerous. 4. Stressful. 5. Exhausting. 6. Exciting. 7. Important. 8. Well-paid. 9. Poor-paid. 10. Romantic. 11. Tiring. 12. Fun. 13.Responsible.

Задание 8. Составьте и запишите по 2 предложения по каждому образцу, используя слова из заданий 5 , 6 и 7.
Образец 1. My father is an engineer. His job is important.
Образец 2. My friend works for Yurga Machine Constructing Factory. He is a turner. His job is well-paid.
Образец 3. I work as a salesperson. My job is not difficult but poor-paid..

Задание 9. Составьте и запишите 6 предложений по моделям, используя названия профессий и соответствующие им качества личности:

Задание 10.
A) В таблицах 1, 2, 3 найдите соответствия и запишите парами.
Таблица 1

I am a/the

Sales Manager, Chief Executive Manager, secretary, electronics expert, office worker, shop superintendent, foreman, Technical Director, engineer, Managing Director, President, Marketing Manager, accountant, salesperson, examiner

президент компании, директор-распорядитель, руководитель отдела маркетинга, бухгалтер, секретарь, технический директор (главный инженер), продавец, специалист по компьютерному обеспечению, инженер, генеральный директор, контролер, коммерческий директор, служащий, начальник цеха, мастер

Таблица 2

I’m responsible for… (Я отвечаю за…, я ответственный за…)

research and development marketing and sales production personnel training financial services quality of the product advertising campaigns maintenance of machines reception of visitors recruiting new employees decision-making computer programming

прием новых работников финансовое обслуживание установка программ принятие решений исследования и развитие производство обучение персонала маркетинг и продажи рекламные кампании прием посетителей уход за оборудованием качество продукции

Таблица 3
I am an electronics expert.
I am responsible for computer programming.
I am responsible to the shop superintendent.
b) Составьте 9 предложений (на три должности), логически связанные между собой.

Задание 11. Составьте из простых предложений сложноподчиненные. Выделите сказуемое, подвергнутое согласованию.
Образец: The children are playing in the yard. (She thought)
She thought (that) the children were playing in the yard.
1. He is painting a new picture. (We heard)
2. His new picture will be a masterpiece. (We were sure)
3. You will fall and break your leg. (I was afraid)
4. My friend had never been to Washington. (I knew)
4. She never drinks beer. (I was told)
6. He is a very talented singer. (We were told)
7. The lived a happy life. (We knew)
8. He does not know German at all. (I found out)

Задание 12. Измените прямую речь на косвенную.
Используйте глаголы: to say – говорить/сказать, to explain - объяснять, to confess - признаваться, to confirm – утверждать/убеждать, to exclaim – восклицать, to claim – заявлять,
1. Helena’s mother: “Beauty is very important”. 2. Helena: “Father wants me to be a doctor”. 3. Helena: “I have paid back my loan”. 4. Helena’s friend: “You are crazy because English women don’t use beauty products”. 5. Edward : “You aren’t a very good wife or mother”. 6. People: “To open a cosmetics shop in New York City is foolish”. 7. Edward: “Nothing will ever change you, Helena”. 8. Helena: “I like to be a Princess”.

Задание 13. Измените повелительные предложения на косвенную речь.
1. The doctor asked Nick: “Open your mouth and show me your throat.” 2. The manager shouted to the assistant: “Bring me the register book, now!” 3. “Explain me how to solve this task,” said Nick to his friend. 4. “Get some extra help from Social Security Office,” said a wife to her husband. 5. “Don’t forget me, darling,” a young lady asked her boy-friend. 6. “Bring me a red file with reports, please.” a division manager said to her assistant.

Задание 14. Измените вопросы на косвенную речь.
1. Mother said to Mike: “What mark did you get for the exam?” 2. Tom said: “Ann, where are your new friends?” 3. Mother said to us : “What is this dog doing here?” 4. The professor said to students: “How can you explain this phenomenon?” 5. Sally asked Peter: “What is your job?” 6. Helen said to her mother: “Do you like this new lipstick?” 7. John asked Nick: “Where have you got information about this perfect job?” 8. The employer asked the employee: “Do you have any experience as a driver?”

Задание 15. Запишите диалог между работником центра занятости (Job Center officer) и посетителем (Applicant) в косвенной речи.

• Applicant: I’m unemployed and I’m looking for a job.
• JC officer: What do you like doing?
• A: I like driving most.
• O: What about working a bus-driver? It’s interesting and not very stressful.
• A: That’s fine, but I don’t want to work at night.

Задание 16. Заполните краткую анкету.

Задание 17. a) Заполните пропуски словами, подходящими по смыслу (по цифро-буквенной системе) b) Выполните письменный перевод текста.
a) disappeared b) earn c) were created d) more e) nurseries f) look after
Part-time work
In 1994, for the first time in British history, 1)___women than men had jobs. Over 200,000 part-time jobs 2)___ in 1993 and most of them went to women. At the same time, 100,000 full-time jobs 3) ___ in Britain and it was mostly men who lost their jobs.
Many women with children take part-time jobs. Some of these women may want to work full-time, but cannot do so because it is difficult for them to find someone to 4)___ their children. In Britain there are very few 5) ___ for young children. Partners often have to look after the children while women work part-time in the early morning or in the evening. It is more difficult for single mothers to take on even part-time work because they must 6) ___ enough to pay someone to look after theirchildren.

Задание 18. а) Раскройте скобки. Выпишите из текста предложения со вставленными словами (10 предложений).
б) Выполните письменный перевод отрывка, выделенного курсивом.

People have always _____ (pollution, pollute) their surroundings. But until now _____ (pollute, pollution) was not such a serious problem. With the _____ (develop, development)of crowded industrial cities the problem has become more important. The most serious _____ (environment, environmental) problems are pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution), noise from cars, buses, planes, destruction of wildlife and others.
Air pollution is a very serious problem. One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain. Acid rain is _____ (killer, killing,) forests in Canada, the USA and central and northern Europe. In the USA 1 in 5 lakes suffers from this type of pollution.
One of the most important problems is ____ (depletion, deplete) of the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The ozone layer is being damaged by chlorofluorocarbons. They are ___ (release, released) by the daily use of industrial and household products, such as refrigerators, air conditioners and so on. Depletion of the ozone layer increases the risk of skin cancer, weakens the immune system of people.
The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already nearly _________ (died, die), the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction.

Another problem is destruction of the tropical forest. It has a major impact on the world climate. The tropical rain forest is a natural ____ (protect, protector) for our planet.
They hold conferences discussing ecological problems and take practical urgent measures to avoid ecological catastrophe.

Задание 19. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста? Поставьте знак +, если соответствуют, и знак -, если не соответствуют. (Выполняйте в цифробуквенной системе)
1. The pollution problem has become more serious with the developing of big industrial cities.
2. The most urgent environmental problem is water pollution.
3. One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain.
4. Chlorofluorocarbons help to create the ozone layer.
5. Depletion of the ozone layer does not influence our health.
6. Industrial and nuclear waste and chemical fertilizers pollute the seas.
7. The tropical rain forest plays a great role in protection of our planet.
8. Nuclear power stations are safe for people and nature.
9. People do nothing to protect nature from pollution.
10. Greenpeace is doing much to preserve environment.

Задание 20. Соедините предложения с помощью: as a result, therefore, consequently, as a consequence.
1. Trees are being cut down. Many species will become extinct.
2. People in cities breathe exhaust fumes every day. Many of them develop breathing problems.
3. Industrial waste is dumped into the sea. Fish die.
4. People drop litter in the streets. People get diseases.
5. Most factories do not use filters. The air gets dirty.

Задание 21. a) Пронумеруйте абзацы (A-F) в правильном порядке. (Выполняйте в цифро-буквенной системе)
b) Найдите в тексте и выпишите ответы на вопросы:
• What is the profit from fur trade?
• Where was a campaign against cruelty to animals?

Задание 22.
А) Прочтите и переведите объявление о вакансии. Найдите и выпишите эквиваленты выражений:
ищет (приглашает); освещать в СМИ деловые новости; требования; степень магистра; как минимум; свободно владеть французским и немецким; навыки общения; опыт зарубежных путешествий; краткая биография; заявление о приеме на работу.

Business Journalist
The international business magazine is seeking a Journalist to cover business news in Europe.
• a master's degree in journalism
• at least two years' experience in business journalism
• fluent in French and German.
• excellent communication skills
• international travel experience is a plus
Please send CV and letter of application to:
David Benton, Worldwatch Europe IPA - Merritts Avenue, Overland Park, Reading RG2 6HD
В) Напишите объявление о вакансии инженера. Используйте в качестве образца объявление из задания 22-А.

Задание 23. Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения I, II и III типов.
Образец: If you (to be)free, I (to come)to see you.
If you are free, I shall cometo see you.
If you werefree, I should cometo sec you.
If you had beenfree, I should have come tosee you.
1. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 2. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 3. If I (to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 4. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 5. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 6. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university. 7. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 8. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party, 9. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 10. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) at the examination.

Задание 24. Образуйте условные предложения.
1. Не always gets top marks in mathematics be¬cause it is his favourite subject.
2. I did not translate the article yesterday because I had no dictionary. If .__ 3. We lost our way because the night was dark. If .__ 4. The box was so heavy that I could not carry it. That's why I took a taxi. If __ 5. I had a bad headache yesterday, that's why I did not come to see you. If __ 6. The ship was sailing near the coast, that's why it struck a rock. If __ 7. He was not in town therefore he was not present at our meeting. If__ 8. The pavement was so slippery that I fell and hurt my leg. If __ 9. They made a fire, and the frightened wolves ran away. If __ 10. It is late, and I have to go home. If __

Задание 25. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму сослагательного наклонения после “wish".
1. I wish I (to know) Spanish. 2. I wish I (not to drink) so much coffee in the evening: I could not sleep half the night. 3. I wish you (to read) more in future. 4. I wish I never (to suggest) this idea. 5. I wish I (to be) at yesterday's party: it must have been very merry. 6. I wish we (to meet) again next summer. 7. Don't you wish you (to see) that performance before? 8. They wished they (not to see) this horrible scene again. 9. The unfortunate pupil wished he (not to forget) to learn the rule. 10. I wish I (to have) a season ticket to the Philharmonic next winter.

Задание 26. Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя "wish".
Образец: It's a pity you are ill. - I wish you were not ill.
1. It's a pity you are not with us these days. 2. My friend regrets not having entered the university. 3. He was sorry not to have had enough time to finish his test-paper. 4. It's a pity we shan't be able to reach home before tea-time. 5. I am sorry I made you upset by telling you this news. 6. What a pity you don't know enough physics. 7. Unfortunately they won't return before Christmas. 8. The student was sorry he had not studied the material better and had shown such poor knowledge at the examination. 9. It's a pity that you did not send for us last night.

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