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Английский Программа А, неделя 12, 1 семестр

ДисциплинаИностранные языки
Тип работыКонтрольные
Количество страниц4
Год сдачи2017
Номер работы1113

О работе

Работа сдана на «Отлично», грамотное оформление


Неделя 12
1. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:
tired – уставший
to go to bed – ложиться спать
fall asleep – засыпать
research – исследование
disorder – нарушение sleep
deprivation – потеря сна, недостаточное количество сна
to cause problems – вызывать проблемы

2. Прочитайте текст. (При необходимости пользуйтесь словарем.)
Teenagers need more sleep than their parents. According to sleep experts, people aged between 10 and 17 need to sleep between 8.5 and 9.25 hours each night. Are you tired at the moment? What time did you go to bed last night? Have you ever fallen asleep in a class?
Recent research shows that 25% of the UK population suffer from some sort of sleep disorder and two-thirds of British children may be sleep deprived. Research in Scotland has shown that teenagers are suffering from sleep deprivation which is causing problems with behaviour, concentration and learning. To get 9 hours sleep, a teenager needs to go to bed at about 10 p.m. during the school week. However, many young people watch TV till around midnight and then play computer games till late into the night. Teachers in Scotland now give lessons on the importance of sleep to their teenage pupils. The teachers want young people to understand that sleep is very important if you want to do well at school and enjoy your life.
If you have a sleep problem here is some advice from the sleep experts:
You shouldn’t drink tea or coffee in the evenings.
You should go to bed at the same time every night, even at the weekend.

3. Соедините слова из текста с их значениями:
Образец: 1. d)

1. according to

a) одно и то же время

2. sleep disorder

b) важный

3. teenagers

c) самое время

4. importance

d) согласно

5. same time

e) подростки

6. weekend

f) нарушение сна


g) важность, значимость


h) выходные (суббота и воскресенье)

4. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста.
Образец: Teenagers need … sleep than their parents. – Teenagers need more sleep than their parents.
1) People aged ... 10 and 17 need to sleep ... 8.5 and 9.25 hours each night.
2) Have you ... fallen asleep in a class?
3) Recent research shows that 25% of the UK population suffer ... some sort of sleep disorder.
4) A teenager needs to go to bed at about 10pm ... the school week.
5) Many young people play computer games ... late into the night.

5. Сопоставьте следующие слова и их значения: Образец:1. g)

1. a teenager

a) a person who knows a lot in some area

2. tired

b) twelve o'clock at night

3. to suffer

c) a night when you cannot sleep

4. a disorder

d) a director

5. midnight

e) to feel bad because of something

6. an expert

f) in need of sleep or rest


g) a person aged between 13 and 19 years


h) an illness when the normal functions are missing

6. Ответьте на вопросы:
1) Who said that teenagers need more sleep than their parents?
2) What problems can be caused by sleep deprivation?
3) Why are not teenagers going to bed at 10 p.m.?
4) Why do teachers in Scotland give lessons on the importance of sleep to their teenage pupils?
5) What can you do if you have sleep problems?

1. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания. Распределите их в две колонки – «Good habits» и «Bad habits»
− Drink a lot of coffee;
− Spend three hours a day playing computer games;
− Drink alcohol;
− Smoke;
− Eat a lot of fast food and junk food;
− Stay home and watch TV;
− Go to bed at 1-2 a.m.;
− Go to the gym three times a week;
− Jog in the park;
− Eat a lot of organic food;
− Like fruit and vegetables;
− Go to bed at 22 p.m.;
− Drink a lot of water every day;
− Spend weekends in the country;
− Learn new things to do.

 2. Расскажите о своих полезных и вредных привычках.

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