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Английский язык Текущий контроль 3 курс – Ответы

ДисциплинаИностранные языки
Тип работыКонтрольные
Количество страниц8
Год сдачи2019
Номер работы4262

О работе

Работа сдана на Отлично, качественное выполнение


Причастия. Функции причастия в предложении
1. Образуйте причастие1 и причастие 2 от следующих глаголов.
To work, to obtain, to invite, to join, to change, to supply, to take, to make, to solve, to build, to give, to show, to bring, to do, to choose, to buy, to sell

2. Определите форму и функцию причастия I в предложении. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
1. A country wishing to limit its population may discourage immigration and encourage emigration
2. The people forming a company are required to submit several documents to the Central Office
3. Loan capital is more appropriate to firms operating in stable markets
4. With increasing numbers entering the working population, expanding industries will have little trouble in recruiting labour
5. Having learnt the first law of supply and demand (i.e. more is demanded at lower prices), many students then automatically associate an increase in price with a fall in the quantity demanded and vise verse
6. Having been repaired, the device began working much better.

3. Определите функцию причастия IIв предложении. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
1. The quantity of labour derived from a given stock of population depends on several factors
2. Put simply, a business process is the set of activities performed to serve a customer
3. The information obtained is very valuable
4. The house restored by the Johnsons is quite unusual
5. The decision taken at the management meeting is very important
6. None of the people invited to the party can come
7. The money stolen in the robbery was never found
8. Most of the goods made in this factory are exported
9. Based on that idea the companies joined forces to challenge international competition
10. Increased motivation occurs when work meets the needs of individuals

4. Определите форму и функцию причастий в предложении. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
Exports are goods and services sold to other courtiers
In free market economies changes in price are never results of regulations imposed by government
Improved training of middle managers helped
Imposing some restrictions on food prices, governments make it possible for all the people to buy enough food
Having received the information required, the sellers send the buyers their offer
Based on that idea the companies joined forces to challenge international competition
Giving advertisements through this agency the company hoped to obtain better candidates for its parent group
When controlling, managers evaluate how well company’s objectives are being met
Being not profitable this product needs to be developed
Replacing him or her means that the company has permanently lost a valuable human asset
An increase in the general level of prices implies a decrease in the purchasing power of the currency
Banking in Scotland has a long history beginning with the creation of the Bank of Scotland in Edinburgh in 1695
Many trading techniques used by expert investors are built around options
Having been experienced in creating such projects, he didn’t have any difficulty with the new one.

5. Выберите причастие I или II.
Prices (affecting/affected) by market forces; farms (raising/ raised) wheat and other crops; livestock (raising/raised) in southern regions; enterprises (working/worked) successfully; recently (buying/bought) machinery; supply of agricultural products (depending/depended) on weather conditions; a book (dealing/dealt) with problems of education economics, consumption (growing/grown) every year; differences in buyers' behaviour (considering/considered) by the economist

Бессоюзное подчинение
Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на бессоюзное подчинение
Show me the house you live in.
The woman we met when we were leaving the factory is our teacher.
The museum we visited yesterday numbers 3000 exhibits
The girl you were speaking to is our monitor
The book you asked me about was written by our teacher
Moscow University M. V. Lomonosov founded in the 18th century now bears his name
The plant this material is produced at is in the Urals
The problem this article deals with is connected with the subject we study
It is difficult to imagine the world we live in without television, radio and telephone
This is the subject we don’t know much about
Materials new computers depend on must be of the best quality
the number of components supercomputers consist of is great.
The changes and movements of air we are surrounded with influence our lives.
The laboratory he worked in was very primitive
The plants computer components are produced at must be super clean.
I have read the article you recommended
The town I live in is not far from Moscow
It is quite evident the new railway will draw into economic activity vast new areas rich in natural resources
He glanced at the newspaper he had bought at the station
In economically developed countries, there are limits on the type and amount of work a child is allowed to do.
You can easily bring the people you need together electronically
Have you still got the journal you showed me some days ago ?
They realized they might be close to the discovery of a new material
I never regret the five years I spent on a farm
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes
We shall spend our holidays in the same village we visited last year
We thought you had accepted their invitation
He said he preferred to spend his days off at home
I learnt he had been rector of our University for about ten years.
I know he will speak about our future work at the meeting
They were sure this Research Institute had been founded several years ago

Инфинитив. Функции инфинитива в предложении
1. Употребите инфинитив с частицей “to” или без нее.
1. The manager asked the book-keeper … let him look through documents.
2. You must make him … practice an hour a day.
3. She was made … repeat her evidence.
4. He is not sure that it can be done, but he is willing … try.
5. Let me help you with your work.
6. The director asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer.
7. You ought … take care of your health.
8. I looked for the balance sheet everywhere but could not find it.
9. He was seen … leave the office.
10. You had better go there at once.
11. I would rather not … tell them about it.

2. Определите функцию инфинитива в предложении. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
The buyers want to know our terms of payment
This is for you to decide
The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting to be held at the end of May
To walk in Hyde Park was a pleasure
The chief manager remembered to have been told a lot about Mr. Smith
He wants to be sent to London to a conference
To advertise in magazines is very expensive
To see is to believe
In order to get high profits, the company must have a very stable position in the market
To intervene in an economy means to control it
The enterprise should change its production cycle to lower costs
The GDP is very important characteristic to be considered in determining living standards
The average wage in this industry is too low to attract qualified workers
Stock markets have developed to make the buying and selling of securities easier
The main function of a Stock Exchange is to provide services and market where investors can buy and sell bonds, shares and other securities
The European Union undertakes various initiatives to coordinate activities of the member states
It is better to advertise products aimed at niche markets in special-interest magazines
There are some non-EU members who have elected to use the euro as their national currency
Market power is a company’s ability to increase prices without losing all its customers

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