Занятие 9 My working day at the office
Ex. 1. Найдите в тексте и запишите эквиваленты следующих терминов:
Бухгалтер, векселя, тратты, клиенты, письма, телексы, телеграммы, платежные инструкции, платежные документы, кредитовое авизо, дебетовое авизо, иностранные банки.
Ex. 2. Напишите формы множественного числа следующих существительных:
Student, bill of exchange, bank, letter, telex, cable, document, advice, draft, language.
Ex. 3. Переведите:
Мы работаем в банке. Наш банк сотрудничает с различными иностранными банками. Мы получаем от иностранных банков много писем, телексов и телеграмм. Мы занимаемся платежными инструкциями, дебетовыми и кредитовыми авизо. Мы проверяем различные платежные документы, такие как векселя, тратты и многие другие.
Ex. 4 Напишите время словами: (см. Grammar):
Занятие 10-11 My working day.
Ex. 1 Прочитайте текст A и заполните пропуски глаголами:
visit, fill, sit, talk, have, get, work, come, study, start, read, leave, happen, wake, want, live, take, speak, know, write, walk, teach, go, do, eat.
Every morning you (1) up, (2) to the kitchen and (3) your cup. You (4) a yoghurt from the fridge, (5) at the table and (6) some porridge. After the porridge you (7) for college. You (8) some classes and (9) some knowledge. The teachers (10). The students (11). Now clap your hands and move your body! When you are in your teens, These are your routines. The classes (12) at nine am. It’s all the same. It’s all the same. You (13) the tasks. You (14) and (15). Sometimes you (16) a website. During the breaks you (17) to friends About the holidays and weekends. You (18) to dance. You want to rap. Come on now, sing along and clap! When you are in your teens, These are your routines. Your friends all (19) in the same block. Your parents (20) till six o’clock. You (21) to them when they (22) home, But you have fun when you’re alone. They think they (23) what’s in your head. It’s midnight when you (24) to bed. And these things (25) every day. Hey sing along I say I say When you are in your teens, These are your routines.
Ex. 2 Прочитайте текст В и выберите подходящее по смыслу название:
A Hem’s Day B Hem’s Plans C Hem’s Biography
Ex. 3. Выберите правильную форму местоимения: (см. Grammar):
- Jody has lost … book.
- mine
- her
- hrs
- theirs
- Junko has eaten … lunch already, but I'm saving mine until later.
- hers
- her
- my
- mine
- My telephone is out of order, but … is working.
- your
- our
- his
- their
- You can't have any chocolate! It's …!
- your
- its
- her
- mine
- This bird has broken … wing.
- it's
- its'
- hers
- its
- Was … grammar book expensive?
- your
- yours
- your's
- you
Ex. 4. Выберите правильную форму местоимения:
1 Despite her parents complaints, she decided to live by … in New York City.
A: her B: herself
2 If you happen to see your parents this weekend, give … my best regards.
A: him B: her C: them
3 I can't understand her when she speaks German with ….
A: her, me B: him, me
4 He should be ashamed of ….
A: himself B: him
5 Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced … husband not to accept the job abroad.
A: his B: her
6 We came across a friend of … at the mall yesterday.
A: ours B: us
7 I can't find … pencil. Can I use …, Mary?
A: my, yours B: mine, your
8 I cut … when I was peeling the potatoes.
A: me B: myself
9 This house is too expensive for …. We can't pay such a high rent.
A: us B: we
10 Each plan has … merits.
A: it B: its
11 He … said so.
A: hisself B: himself
12 I do my work and they do ….
A: their B: theirs
13 Give it back to …. It's ….
A: me, mine B: me, my
14 Despite … old age, he is very active.
A: his B: its
Ex. 5. Дополните предложения нужными по смыслу местоимениями:
1 He looked at …in the mirror.
2 After the accident we told … that we were not to blame.
3 My parents gave … an anniversary present. They had a nice holiday together.
4 Yesterday I fell in the street and hurt ….
5 There are computer games where you can play against …. You always win!
6 My computer turns … off.
7 God helps those who help ….
8 Don't trouble …. I can take care of it.
9 Sandra made … drink the bitter medicine.
10 The monkey groomed ….
Занятие 12-13 My free time. Hobby.
Ex. 1
Mike: When my friends have (1) …, we always try to go to the sea to spend some time in the fresh air. We usually buy some fruit, vegetables, some meat to make a barbeque and drive away. I love meeting my friends! It's real fun!
Katy: I really like (2) ... I can't live without it. I listen to music everywhere as my parents gave me a new personal player for my birthday. My favorites? I don't have any. I like listening to anything but I dislike pop.
Tim and Sofia: We work a lot during the week, so at the weekend we usually sleep in very late. The only time left is the evening, when we go out. Sometimes we go to the (3) … when there is a new film on but we like dancing most of all.
Tom: I dislike going to the theatre. I think it's boring, but my parents are crazy about it. I usually stay at home with my (4) …. My friends sometimes visit me but I don't have much time to talk to them. I play games. I have a lot of games but I love playing "BOOM". It's the best one!
Helen: Every free minute I have I take a (5) … and start reading. I enjoy reading romances very much. It's so exciting. All those love stories, red roses, weddings. It's not like that stupid (6) … my husband watches on TV. I hate watching sports.
Ex. 2 Закончите фразы и допишите предложения о себе, что вы обычно делаете в свободное время:
- My friend likes reading detective stories.
- I never play tennis in the morning.
- My sister …………..
- I am interested in ….
Ex. 3 Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык. (см. Grammar):
- а. Я знаю интересную историю. б. Он знает более интересную историю.
в. Она знает самую интересную историю.
- а. Это длинный путь. б. Это более длинный путь. в. Это самый длинный путь.
- а. Ее работа очень важна. б. Его работа важнее. в. Моя работа самая важная.
- а. Это плохая песня. б. Это еще более плохая песня. в. В это самая плохая песня.
- а. Он хороший инженер. б. Он более хороший инженер. в. Он самый лучший инженер.
- а. Он принес ей красивый цветок. б. Он принес ей более красивый цветок. в. Он принес ей самый красивый цветок.
- а. Он рассказал нам о счастливом человеке. б. Он рассказал нам о более счастливом человеке. в. Он рассказал нам о самом счастливом человеке.
- Это были самые счастливые дни в ее жизни.
- Это очень легкая задача. Дайте мне более трудную задачу.
- Летом дни длинные, а ночи короткие.
Ex. 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного
- Which is …: the United States or Canada?
- What is the name of … port in the United States?
- Moscow is … city in Russia.
- The London underground is … in the world.
- There is a … number of cars and buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.
- St. Petersburg is one of … cities in the world.
- The rivers in America are much … than those in England.
- The island of Great Britain is … than Greenland.
- What is the name of … mountain in Asia?
- The English Channel is … than the straits of Gibraltar.
- Russia is a very … country.
Занятие 14 Code of Conduct
Ex. 1 Переведите на русский:
When you are introduced listen carefully to each name and use it later in your conversation. This will help you to remember the name. If you forget a person's name or did not hear the name do not hesitate to say:
I am sorry I have forgotten your name.
I am sorry I did not hear your name.
In many English speaking countries handshaking is a social courtesy whenever people meet or are introduced. When men meet or are introduced they generally shake hands. Women shake hands less frequently. Kissing is prevalent at parties when people meet.
Ex. 2 Заполните пропуски словами
punctuality, shake hands, rule, conversation, hesitate, carefully; courtesy, introduce, frequently
- The most important … for a businessman is to keep his word.
- … is very important.
- When you are introduced, listen … to each name.
- If you forget the name do not … to ask the person to repeat it.
- In many English speaking countries handshaking is a social ….
- Women shake hands less ….
- May I … Mr. Brown?
- Use names in your ….
- Never … in gloves.
Занятие 15-16 Phrases from letters.
Ex. 1 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту А:
- Where is Michelle?
- What is she doing?
- What does Nikki do?
- What is she doing?
- What do we know about Fyodor?
- What is he doing?
Ex. 2 Переведите письмо В.
Уважаемый Сэр/Мадам,
По предложению сотрудника вашего офиса я пишу, чтобы попросить вас о помощи, чтобы один из наших студентов из России смог ненадолго посетить Францию во время своего 5-месячного пребывания у нас.
Юрий Самойленко хотел бы отправиться в Париж 7 июля 2001 года из Лондона на поезде и вернуться тем же маршрутом 10 июля 2001 года.
Ex. 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя предлоги on, in, at, to, into (см. Grammar):
- Идите к доске.
- Напишите число на доске.
- Повесьте картину на доску.
- Она налила в вазу воды и поставила в нее в цветы. Потом она пошла к окну и поставила вазу на подоконник.
- Учитель стоит у доски. Он пишет на доске предложение. Ученики сидят за партами. Они пишут это предложение в своих тетрадях.
- Ник вошел в кухню и сел за стол. Мама стояла у плиты. Она подошла к столу, поставила на стол чашку и налила в чашку чаю.
- Мы собрали в лесу много грибов.
- Маша открыла дверь и вошла в дом. В доме никого не было. Медведи были в лесу. В комнате Маша увидела стол. Она подошла к столу. На столе она увидела три тарелки.
- Катя была в комнате. Она стояла у книжного шкафа.
- На полу лежал толстый ковер. Дети сели на ковер и начали играть.
- Где мальчики? — Они играют во дворе.
- Сейчас зима. На земле лежит снег. На реке лед.
- Она подошла к доске, взяла мел и начала писать на доске.
- Масло на столе. Поставь его в холодильник. А теперь садись за стол. В этом стакане сок. Выпей его и поставь стакан на полку.
- Где твоя рука? - Она в моем кармане.
- Положи в карман платок.
- Он прыгнул в реку и быстро поплыл к острову.
Ex. 4. Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.
- My mother is afraid … rats.
- "What do you complain …?" asked the doctor.
- Don't enter the room.
- What are you laughing …?
- They did not want to listen .. me.
- Wait … me. I'll be back … a few minutes.
- Yesterday the teacher spoke … us about the architecture … St. Petersburg.
- My grandmother often complains … headache.
- I am sorry. I cannot speak ………
- At the end of the street she turned the comer, walked to the bus-stop and began waiting for the bus.
Занятие 17 Повторение материала. Проверочная работа.
Ex. 1 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
Once … Frenchman was travelling in (-) Sweden. He stopped at … hotel in … little Swedish town. It was (-) evening, … man was tired, so he went to (-) bed at once. In … morning he had (-) breakfast in … hotel restaurant. After (-) breakfast he went for … walk. He walked along … streets of … town, visited … museum and (-) shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into … cafe for (-) lunch. He sat down at …table, called … waiter and ordered (-) mushrooms. But … Frenchman did not know Swedish and … waiter did not know ... French. Nobody in … cafe could speak (-) French. Then … Frenchman took a piece of (-) paper and … pencil and drew … picture of … mushroom. … waiter looked at … picture and left … room at once. Five minutes later he returned with … umbrella.
Ex. 2 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.
"Is there a post-office near … house you live in?"
"Yes, there is. Go to … corner of … street along which (-) trams run. Then turn to … left and walk … short distance down … street. Do not cross … street, of course. You will see … sign over … door which says "Post-and-Telegraph Office."
"Thank you very much. I am sure I shall find if without (-) difficulty. I must buy (-) stamps, send … telegram and ask whether they receive (-) parcels there. I want to send … parcel to … old friend. It will be her birthday in … week. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find … shop that sells (-) nice things that one can give as (-) presents?"
"Yes, certainly. There's … very good shop not far from here. You can easily walk there in a few minutes. Go straight down … street that you will see directly in (-) front of you when you come out of … Post-office till you come to … wide street along which (-) buses and (-) trolley-buses run. Then turn to … left again and almost immediately you will come to … beautiful shop with (-) big windows full of all sorts of (-) things. I am sure you will find (-) nice presents there."
Ex. 3 Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
- This man is … than thatone.
- Asia is … than Australia.
- The Volga is … than the Mississippi.
- Which building is the … in Moscow?
- Mary is … student than Lucy.
- The Alps are … than the Urals.
- This garden is … in our town.
- She speaks Italian … than English.
- Is the word "newspaper" … than the word "book"?
- The Thames is … than the Volga.
- The Arctic Ocean is … than the Indian Ocean.
- Chinese is … than English.
- Spanish is … than German.
- She is not so … as I am.
- It is as … today as it was yesterday.
Ex. 4 Вставьте предлоги at или on.
- I get up … seven o'clock or … a quarter past seven.
- … Sunday I usually get up … nine o'clock or half past nine. But last Sunday I slept very long and got up only … noon.
- Lev Tolstoy liked to get up … sunrise.
- Our lessons are usually over … twenty minutes to two.
- They returned from the wood … sunset.
- I began writing my composition … seven o'clock and finished only … midnight.
- My birthday is … the ninth of July.
- The school year begins … the first of September.
- … the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.
- … Wednesday I usually have a lot of homework.
Ex. 5 Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число.
- This is a star.
- This is a boy.
- This is a baby.
- That is a plate.
- That is a flower.
- That is a bookshelf.
- Is this a sofa?
- Is this a bookcase?
- Is this a man?
- Is that a ball?
- Is that a train?
- Is that a plane?
- Is the window open?
- Is the door closed?
- Is the boy near the window?
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