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КР работа № 1 Англ. язык (3 семестр) – Ответы

ДисциплинаИностранные языки
Тип работыКонтрольные
Количество страниц9
Год сдачи2019
Номер работы4240

О работе

Работа успешно сдана, аккуратное оформление, качественное выполнение


(выполняется в 3 семестре)
Задание 1: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику учебной и учебно-социальной сферы.
1. Congratulations! I hear you _____ your examination yesterday.
1) failed
2) revised
3) passed
4) do badly in

2. Student 1: “Let‟s go to the library and take the necessary books.”
Student 2: “_______________”
1) I am not ready for my English class.
2) My idea doesn‟t coincide with yours.
3) Are you all right?
4) I think, we‟d better do it after the break.

Задание 2: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику деловой сферы.
1. I‟m supposed to wear a suit to work but sometimes I come in _____ clothes.
1) official
2) sporty
3) casual
4) formal

2. Being able to use a computer is an important _________ nowadays.
1) license
2) skill
3) qualification
4) degree

3. A time-management consultant helps people to organize their work in a(n) ____ way.
1) useful
2) inefficient
3) effective
4) pleasant

Задание 3: Выберите правильный ответ, употребив лексику профессиональной сферы.
1. Because it was his first ________ the punishment was not too severe.
1) insult
2) outrage
3) annoyance
4) offence

2. Eventually judges managed to reach a ____________.
1) verdict
2) sentence
3) claim
4) plea

3. The English judge has no clerks or assistants to research or write his _________.
1) pleadings
2) observations
3) applications
4) judgments

Задание 4: Выберите соответствующие термины.
1. _____ is a place where law-cases are held.
1) Patio
2) Courtship
3) Court
4) Yard

2. _____ is a decision reached by a jury on a question of fact in a law case.
1) Justification
2) Verdict
3) Veto
4) Accusation

3. _____ is a proposed law to be discussed by a parliament.
1) Bulletin
2) Certificate
3) Banknote
4) Bill

Задание 5: Вставьте определенные артикль (the) или неопределенный ар-тикль (a (an)), где необходимо.
1. He was … only person to disagree.
2. I have … appointment at the dentist‟s this afternoon.
3. Bats and owls generally hunt at … night.

Задание 6: Вставьте соответствующие предлоги (in, with), где необходимо:
1. We‟ll begin … the solution of the present-day problems of our enterprise.
2. We met some interesting people … the party last night.
3. I entered … Moscow State University last year.

Задание 7: Вставьте соответствующие союзы (as soon as, although, because), где необходимо:
1. … he overslept, Clive wasn't late for work.
2. … they arrive, they'll want to have dinner.
3. I did it … he told me so.

Задание 8: Выберите соответствующие фразовые глаголы.
1. I‟ll look ______ your children if you are busy tomorrow.
1) like
2) for
3) at
4) after

2. Chris is trying to give ______ smoking.
1) up
2) from
3) down
4) out

3. I am really interested ______ fashion. So am I.
1) in
2) on
3) with
4) at

Задание 9: Выберите реплику, наиболее соответствующую ситуации профессионально-делового и социально-делового общения.
1. Consultant: “Why did you leave your last job?”
John: “____________________”
1) I wanted to earn more money.
2) Yes, I did.
3) I joined the company two years ago.
4) Don‟t worry about it.

2. Manager: “_____________________”
Employee: “I think, it‟s a harmful habit.”
1) Can I smoke here?
2) What‟s your idea about smoking?
3) Have you got any bad habits?
4) Can you give me a cigarette?

Задание 10: Выберите правильный ответ, используя лексику страноведческой сферы.
1. The US is a _______ consisting of 50 states.
1) absolute monarchy
2) unitary republic
3) federal republic
4) parliamentary monarchy

2. The Statue of Liberty stands on an island in _______ Harbour.
1) Philadelphia
2) New York
3) Boston
4) Washington

3. A well-known name for the USA is ______.
1) “crazy tribes”
2) “old empire”
3) “wild world”
4) “melting pot”

4. What was Martin Luther King famous for?
1) He was an outstanding military man.
2) He aroused American people to protest against racial discrimination.
3) He was a bright student and a talented schoolchildren.
4) He was born in Atlanta in a large family.

5. _______ was the British Prime Minister during the Second World War.
1) John Major
2) Winston Churchill
3) Margaret Thatcher
4) Benjamin Disraeli

6. _______ is regarded by many people as America‟s greatest president as he freed the slaves and united the country.
1) Richard Nixon
2) Ronald Reagan
3) John Kennedy
4) Abraham Lincoln

Задание 11: Оформление делового письма. Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.

Задание 12: Ознакомительное чтение с целью определения ложности утверждения. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.
1. 82-year-old chartered accountant who has had a perfect driving record after passing his test before the Second World War was banned for a year yesterday for travelling seventeen miles in the wrong direction on a dual carriage way. William Howarth became confused as he tried to avoid roadworks and set off a road between Oxford and Newbury in the wrong direction, magistrates were told. Howarth, who uses a hearing aid and wears glasses, was driving in the fast lane of the northbound carriageway as he travelled south causing several drivers to swerve on a dark January afternoon. A police car in the correct lane drove alongside Howarth‟s car and stopped him, but as the policeman climbed over the central barrier Howarth set off again. He continued for another ten miles until the police road block forced him to stop.
2. Howarth pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was also fined £175. He was ordered to re-take his test if he wants to drive again after the year in which he is banned from driving is over. He leaned forward as he strained to hear yesterday as Mr John Horn, prosecuting, said police received a number of 999 calls saying a car was travelling in the wrong direction.
3. Mr Robert Hawes defending said Howarth still worked five days a week as accountant, sometimes until eight at night, and had a “perfect” 60-year driving record. He had driven on to the road as he tried to avoid roadworks and had not at first realised he was in the wrong lane because traffic was light and trees blocked his view of the opposite carriageway.
4. “Within a mile, he realised he was on the wrong carriageway and his intention was to get off as quickly as possible and get back on to the right road. “There were in fact eight lay-bys along the route where he could have stopped and for that reason he accepts that he is guilty. This was not a wicked piece of driving. Mr Howarth was disorientated. It was a nightmare journey for him and he was dazed, confused and in obvious shock.”
Определите, является ли утверждение:
Mr Howarth realised he was on the wrong side of the road before he had driven a whole mile.
1) в тексте нет информации
2) ложным
3) истинным

Задание 13: Поисковое чтение с целью определения наличия в тексте запрашиваемой информации. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание.
1. It is impossible to calculate how much of the crime and imprisonment in this country is caused, directly or indirectly, by family violence. About 80 per cent of women in prison have been victims of child abuse, sexual abuse, or domestic violence. When do women take action? The turning point may come when a woman can no longer hide the scars and bruises. Or when her own financial resources improve, when the kids grow up – or when she begins to fear for their safety. Sometimes neighbors hear screaming and call police – or a doctor challenges a woman‟s made up story about how she got those broken ribs.
2. To tell the truth cops hate domestic calls – in part because they are so unpredictable. A neighbor may simply report a disturbance and cops have no idea what they will find on the scene. The parties may have cooled down and be sitting in stony silence. Or one may be holding the other hostage, or the kids. Sometimes warring spouses even turn on cops – which is why many police forces send them in pairs and tell them to maintain eye contact with each other at all times. But many cops still don‟t see such calls as real police work.
3. Women are scared and want the violence to stop. Ten days later when they get the
subpoena to appear in court the situation has changed. The idea of putting someone you live with in jail becomes impossible. Pressing charges is just the first stop. The victim is faced with a range of potential legal remedies: orders of protection, criminal prosecution, family-court prosecution, divorce, a child-custody agreement. Each step is complex and time-consuming, requiring frequent court appearances by the victim and the abuser.
4. But those in the field say the question is whether the justice system can solve a highly complex social problem. We need to rethink what we‟re doing. Prosecution isn‟t a panacea. We put it on when there is an emergency and we keep it on as long as necessary. But the question is, then what?
Определите, является ли утверждение:
Policemen don‟t consider family violence to be serious.
1) истинным 2) ложным 3) в тексте нет информации

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