Задание 1
Task 1. Read the text. Make a list of new words. Translate all of them. Explain in English the meaning of any 5-7 new words.
African Environmental Problems
African environmental problems affect 55 countries, which have 37 cities with a population of more than one million. This is the hottest continent on the planet, because it is located in the tropics. The territories of Africa, which need to address environmental problems, are deserts, tropical forests and much more. Basically here the plains predominate, and occasionally the uplands and mountains. The highest point is Kilimanjaro, a volcano towering 5895 meters above sea level.
The decision not to pay too much attention to the ecological problems in Africa and the ways of their solution resulted in many problems. Few people care about having harmful effects on nature. Modern technologies for environmental protection are not being implemented. Africa's environmental problems are not being addressed to reduce or eliminate waste. Considerable attention should be given to such sectors as heavy and light industry, metal processing, animal breeding, and the agricultural sector as well as machine building. The environmental problems in African countries are explained by the fact that in the production of certain benefits safety technology and harmful emissions into water bodies are neglected.
The situation with African environment was also effected by high rates of population reproduction, with its excessive and inefficient use of resources. The most acute contemporary environmental problems in Africa are the reduction of soil fertility, the acceleration of erosion processes, deforestation, the growth of water deficit, the deterioration of the quality of surface water and air, the cutting down of evergreen forests, the disappearance of plant and animal species. The main cause of environmental problems is the poverty of states and disregard for environmental consequences. In African countries, "dirty" production is being carried over. In order to provide the population with food, the plowing of land is increasing, the livestock of population is increasing.
The most important environmental problem in Africa is the problem of the Sahel – a vast natural area 400 km south of the Sahara from the Atlantic to Ethiopia. The Sahel is a transitional semi-desert zone from deserts to savannahs. The north border of the Sahel provides the isolation of the little annual amount of precipitation. The average temperature here is + 27 ... + 29 ° C. The wet summer period does not last long, and 80-90% of precipitation evaporates. The dry season lasts 8-10 months. The main type of economic activity for that century was nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle-breeding. In the wet period, cattle graze in the north of the Sahel, in the dry season it is driven away to the south. Desertification – the transformation of drylands into a desert. The main consequence of this process is the increase in the number of droughts.
In Africa, there are 17% of forests. Deforestation is the process of transforming land occupied by forest into land. Spontaneous deforestation for firewood, valuable trees leads to a reduction in forests. Africa has lost 90% of the evergreen coastal rainforest. In Madagascar, for example, evergreen forests have been preserved only in small areas on the east of the island.
A major problem in Africa is the scarcity of fresh water. To solve it, various watering projects are being studied, for example, the territory of the Sahara. There are projects for transferring the flow of the Congo River to the Sahara and the creation of large reservoirs - the Sakha and Chadsky reservoirs on the site of the ancient lakes. The presence of rapids on the African rivers creates conditions for watering arid regions by building large reservoirs. Kariba reservoirs on the Zambezi River, Nasser on the Nile River are examples of the rational use of surface waters in Africa.
In Africa, measures are being taken to save wildlife. Specially protected areas are created for these purposes. In the early twentieth century, in Africa, the first national parks: Albert, Virunga, Serengeti, Ruwenzori, etc. After liberation from colonial oppression, 25 new national parks were created at once, and by the beginning of the 21st century. Protected areas accounted for more than 7% of its territory. The first place by the number of national parks is occupied by Kenya (15% of the area). The largest is the Tsavo National Park (more than 2 million hectares), where lions, rhinoceroses, giraffes, buffalo buffalo, 450 species of birds are guarded. The most famous park is a herd of elephants. In South Africa, savannahs and the South African fauna are protected. In the park of Kruger giraffes are guarded, from birds – marabou, bird-secretary. In Madagascar, wet mountain forests are protected, tropical rain forests with the famous "tree of travelers" and endemic fauna, in West Africa – characteristic forest landscapes. In South Africa, the Kafue National Park stands out with the famous Victoria Falls. Ngorongoro is famous for its crater, its slopes are covered with tropical forest, and the bottom is represented by savannah with numerous herds of buffaloes, zebras, antelopes. In the largest park of Tanzania - Serengeti live hundreds of thousands of wild ungulates. The park is characterized by an abundance of animals and birds. The creation of specially protected areas is a way of preserving natural diversity in Africa.
Task 2. Look through the text and give extensive answers to the questions
1. What are the main reasons for poor environment in Africa?
2. What are the most efficient ways of preserving natural diversity in Africa?
3. What does it mean «dirty production»? Give any examples.
4. What are the most famous parks mentioned in the text?
5. What watering projects are offered in the article?
Task 3. Single out the main facts from the texts and present them in a synopsis.
Задание 2
Task 1. Study the information «How to write an abstract».
Task 2. Read the following article and write down the abstract.
The text is entitled «Central Asia: migrant workers finding opportunity in Russian Far East»….
Task 3. Translate the text into Russian in written form. Look up the words you do not know in the dictionary
U.S. Official Pushes for Korea Talks
Seoul (UP1). – The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for political and military affairs said Monday that North Korea must resume serious talks with South Korea on the question of nuclear weapons if it wants a third round of high-level talks with the United States.
But the Assistant Secretary, ending a five-day visit that included meetings with the President and other officials on North Korea's nuclear program, said there was no deadline for North Korea to take a step.
He also said he came with the same message as the American President, who visited Seoul earlier this year.
Task 4. Read the text and answer these questions
1. What is the headline of the article?
2. What did the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State say?
3. How long did he stay in Seoul?
4. Who did he meet with?
5. Who visited Seoul earlier this year?
6. What was the aim of that visit?
Задание по грамматике по теме “Prepositions and adverbs”
Prepositions and adverbs
Task 1. Insert prepositions and adverbs
1. The Hungarian Prime Minister arrived in Moscow yesterday for political consultations with Russian leaders.
2. At the meeting the two leaders exchanged views on the latest development of the ………
3. The two leaders are expected to cover …………
7. The talks proceeded in a businesslike atmosphere.
Task 2. Insert prepositions and adverbs
1. The two leaders are expected to sign a treaty on economic and trade cooperation.
2. The sides ……..
11. Russian Foreign policy is aimed at strengthening peace, international security and détente in the world.
12. The conclusion of the treaty will contribute to the relaxation of tension in the continent.
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