Задание по теме “Graphically Speaking”
Task 1. Look at the visuals. What are they called in English? Match the pictures with the definitions.
1) bar chart
2) table
3) ………
4) ………
5) ………
6) picture
Task 2. Match the two parts to make sentences to talk about visuals.
1. Let’s now have a look at how the new division will be structured.
2. The black line gives us the sales figures for the VW Fox.
3. Each line …………..
10. I’d like to draw your attention to the figures in the left-hand column.
Task 3. Study the graph. Read the description and fill in the gaps with the following phrases:
Trends in GDP & Air Cargo growth rates
……… trends in GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and Air Cargo growth rates.
….. the rates of GDP, domestic cargo and international freight respectively.
………, the slowdown in cargo seems to be preceding the slowdown of the economic growth. That is why air cargo sector is known to be the barometer of the economic health of a country.
……. India’s GDP at constant prices has almost quadrupled in the last two decades. …….. of 5.6% in the 1990s ……..of 7.7% in the first decade of 2000, the growth journey has excited many investors both in India and abroad. The latter part of 2000s particularly in the period 2008-09 to 2010-11 recorded ……..
…….. in 2011-12 is expected to be temporary as the fundamentals of Indian economy are evaluated to be strong with high investment rate of 36% and growing domestic demand. Analysts forecast the Indian GDP to be growing at 7.5% in 2012 and at 8.1% subsequently till 2016.
Task 4. Put these words in a logical order.
1. As you see from this slide,
2. This graph shows clearly …
6. If you turn to the first page …….
Task 5. Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the given verb.
1. Exports has fallen significantly between 2004-2006.
2. Since 2007, they have risen steadily, however.
3. Overheads ………….
10. There has been a slight fall in domestic sales this year.
Задание 2.
Task 1. Read the text. Make a list of new words. Translate all of them. Explain in English the meaning of any 5-7 new words.
Task 2. Read the text and answer these questions
1. What is the headline of the article?
2. Who paid an official friendly visit to Russia?
3. On what problems did the sides hold a detailed exchange of views?
4. What did they express satisfaction with?
5. What is the treaty aimed at?
6. The treaty is subject to ratification, isn't it?
7. When will it come into force?
8. What other documents were signed during the visit?
Task 3. Give a summary of the text. Use the following key words and phrases.
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